Where and when on Earth did Earth Hour become a thing? The first ever Earth Hour was called The Big Flick and was held in Sydney, Australia on March 31st, 2006, at 7:30 pm. The idea soon got legs and had caught on in 35 countries around the world by 2008. By 2017, 170 countries were participating.
Climate change is the big disaster of the decade, with 97% of active climate scientists agreeing that the climate warming in the last 100 years are likely due to human activity. The evidence is convincing, and the long term effects will be devastating. This is going to be the fight of our generation, humanity versus ourselves.
So today, let’s take a small step together in the right direction, and celebrate Earth Hour! Other than educating yourself and others about your own impact on the environment, take real action by turning off all your electricity for an hour.
Because I knew I was going to eat lunch at noon, I decided to practice Earth Hour from 10:00 am to 11:00 am today, when there’s plenty on sunlight. During this hour, I chose to pick up a sewing project I had been working on, changing an old t-shirt into a crop top for the summer! The fashion industry produces so much waste and carbon monoxide emissions, from the factories to the transportation of goods. A few years ago, I made the choice to only shop locally second-hand for everything except underwear. It was actually an easy transition to make, and I highly recommend it. Because of this, I tend to recycle old clothes into new things, I save the buttons and use the fabric for other projects. I try to mend broken pieces when I can, rather than throwing them out.
This morning, I made myself a tea and set up my sewing next to a big bright window. I was going to hem the shirt. I don’t have a sewing machine, so it’s hand sewn all the way. I normally watch TV while sewing, so I’m hoping I won’t get too bored.

I then went around, turning off lights, unplugging my laptop, and when I was done, only some kitchen appliances were plugged in and on. When my phone screen showed 10:00 am, I gave it a little goodbye pat and turned it off too.
The sewing itself started out a bit wonky, but then I got the good idea to draw a line down the hem, which made the stitches a whole lot straighter. I was so focused, I was in such a flow, that when I finally remembered to check the clock, it was 11:50 am! I had spent an extra hour on this than I meant to! I could’ve continued too, if my stomach wasn’t trying its hardest to convince me I was a second away from dying of starvation. I spent the last few minutes before noon sipping my room temperature tea, watching a light drizzle meander down the window pane.
For the rest of the day, I decided to consciously use less electricity. I have a bad habit of preferring light bulbs over natural light, and maybe it’s time to change that. Maybe it’s time to implement more small changes into my life, to reduce pollution as best I can. If I can do any small thing to help the world out, maybe I should.
As for the shirt, here’s how it turned out:
The first few inches… …The last few inches

Happy Earth Hour!