I’ve never had a manicure in my life. Up until recently, I was always working with my hands and wasn’t willing to shell out money for something I would ruin so quickly. I always admire people with dainty, glossy, beautiful nails. Now that I’ve decided to deviate my career path, I can finally have pretty nails. My nails are wide and short, and my hands are always covered in eczema, cuts and weird wrinkles, so I’m a bit self-conscious of my hands. One of the first things I want to do post-quarantine is book a couple of manicures for my boyfriend and I.
That being said, today is nail day! Nail day was created in appreciation of acrylic and fake nails. Unfortunately, I don’t have any fake nail supplies here in my humble abode. I don’t even have nail polish, to be honest. But that won’t stop me from painting my nails today! Painted nails have a way of making people feel more put-together and confident. I don’t know what it is, but that small thing can make me feel really good about myself.
Using what I have, I’m going to give my nails a makeover. I have actual paint here and sharpies. I do a quick google search to see if putting sharpie on your nails is bad for your health. The general consensus seems to be that yes, sharpie contains bad stuff that can seep into your body, but the quantities aren’t large enough to affect your health. With that in mind, I carry on and gather my supplies.

Looking at the sharpies, I’m reminded of grade school. My friends and I would often colour our nails with sharpies and white out while bored in class. I would also draw pen tattoos on my fingers, my hand, and sometimes up my arms. I decide to do a nail art design based on that time, when we used to have fun with what we had.

I start with the best one, gold paint. It goes on way easier than nail polish. It’s smoother, and easier to make even. The coat feels a little delicate when it dries. Too bad I didn’t have a base coat to prime my nails.

I love the effect of the gold paint on my nails. It looks so pretty! Now for the fun part, I start doodling with sharpie. I draw whatever I feel like: tiny faces, lines, a cat, a heart… Before I know it my nails are covered with a zigzag of lines and shapes. Looking at them, I feel joy. Drawing on yourself is so fun and carefree! I end up only doing one hand, as my right hand is destroyed from scrubbing with steel wool earlier. It needs a little R&R. Here’s the finished product on my left hand though!

I love it! I wish I had a topcoat to seal it in, but not all things are meant to last, I guess. I don’t think they’ll live the day, but I’ll enjoy them for as long as I can.
Happy Nail Day!